Suffer High Blood Pressure is very common, can happen from time to time to all of us, perhaps especially in times of stress, or perhaps as a result of treatment, given that some drugs may affect the pressure of our blood flow. However, since this is a condition that can eventually damage the heart and determine the onset of various cardiac diseases, including myocardial It would be better able to control it, perhaps with natural methods. Contrary to what one tends to think, not just the elderly who suffer from hypertension, but also young people who often do not realize it because they do not recognize symptoms and do not control.
We begin, therefore, just as seeing signals may make us suspect that our BP breached and how they are measured.
Symptoms and reference values of high blood pressure
Very often we do not realize for years to suffer from high blood pressure, until a trivial control, often random, does not reveal the problem. Among the symptoms that may make us suspect ‘hypertension latent, there are frequent headaches, sometimes associated with dizziness, and bleeding from the nose But more frequently there are no obvious signs, especially blood pressure are not far above the norm. In this regard, let’s see, these values. It is parameters Reference standard, valid throughout the world and for all ages Of course the doctor will then determine the extent of disorder in relation to the specific characteristics of each.
Normal: Less than 120 less than the maximum and the minimum 80Pre-hypertension: Between 120 and 139 the maximum or the minimum between 80 and 89Grade My Hypertension: Between 140 and 159 and the maximum between 90 and 99, the minimumGrade II hypertension: 160 more than the maximum or the minimum of 100In the table, maximum means the systolic and Minimum that diastolic. To lower the pressure when it is too high, before turning to Medicines (The famous “pill” for blood pressure), we groped with natural remedies, first of all a diet correct As the DASH.Treating high blood pressure with DASH diet
The DASH diet (Acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), has been precisely designed for those who suffer from hypertension, and is not at all difficult to follow. In practice, is based on some simple key points, of which the principal is the reduction in daily sodium intake In order to descend among the 2400 mg of salt a day (more or less than the amount that it takes a healthy adult) to 1500 mg (recommended). To do this, you will need to avoid canned foods, Smoked or preparations, do not use the salt to cook the pasta or rice, or add the vegetables, meat or fish. Preference, however, the herbs and choose bread, pasta and rice integrals which are naturally more flavorful. Eat less, the split calories more meals, do not skip breakfast, and choose Light dairy, especially yogurt. One or two coffee day, however, you can afford. Always add the fruit at meals, especially bananas Rich in potassium, but also you have to consume each day dried fruit such as walnuts or almonds, but not too much. Again, try to eat little red meat and prefer the white one, and especially the fish. Remove sweet and sugary drinks (just a tear every now and then), and you will see that the pressure will drop quickly.
Treating high blood pressure with natural remedies
Among the Natural Remedies for cure and lower high blood pressure are those Homeopathic, Let us see the most commonly used depending on the symptoms with which he has hypertension.
With high blood pressure headache and dizziness. The homeopathic remedy is appropriate AconiteWith high blood pressure hot flashes. Glonoinum is recommended for the crises of hypertension with a throbbing headache and a feeling of heat in the headWith high blood pressure anxiety. Hypertensive crisis and certain anxiety stress whose symptoms are: palpitations Head about to explode (feeling of being a steamer), need to breathe deeply, feel like sweet foods and sugar. Homeopaths recommend in this situation Argentum NitricumWe come to herbal remedies. Among these is recommended to extract hawthorn, often in association with the olive tree. They are very old and effective remedies, as well as the ‘garlic, King of the table, certainly, but extraordinary “antibiotic” natural and food can effectively affect our blood pressure. Not having to eat a head a day, they can go just as well that you will find in the extracts herbalist’s shop! The acupuncture is also highly recommended to regulate blood pressure, as well as Reflexology. In any case, rely increasingly on professionals. Also the infusion of red sorrel seems to be useful, if consumed regularly, against hypertension. Last warning about natural remedies for high blood pressure: Bach flowers. For this specific disorder essences are recommended Cherry Plum and Elm.
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